Financial Services
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Financial Services

Complete Your Protection Portfolio

Through our financial division, our Certified Financial Planner offers the following financial solutions which complement our insurance products and help to safeguard you and your business and well as your family and financial future.

For Businesses
Sinking Funds

  • Achieve growth on reserves and other dormant assets with safety of principal in mind.

Executive Compensation

  • We engineer executive compensation programs to selectively Recruit, Retain, and Reward key employees or owners.

Exit Strategies

  • Succession planning geared to set your business up to thrive into future generations or put a bow around the business for sale.

Asset Protection

  • Creative strategies that shift assets off of the business balance sheet and into other protected buckets.

Estate Planning

  • Various trusts and ownership designs to enhance asset protection, compliment business succession/continuity planning.

Business Continuity

  • Planning around the untimely exit of an owner or key employee due to divorce, disability, death, or criminal proceedings.

Retirement Plans

  • Qualified or non-qualified plans. We can enhance existing plans or create start-up plans to instill company loyalty with an eye on cash-flow comfort and tax efficiency for the business, as well as helping them in navigating through complex compliance and documentation requirements.

For Families
Wealth Creation

  • By testing and measuring various financial decisions clients face along their wealth building journey.

Lifestyle Protection

  • We help clients find and discover various risk exposures that threaten to derail their financial plan.

Risk Management

  • Hedging techniques utilized by pension funds, endowments, and major insurance companies that help clients conservatively grow their nest eggs.

Tax Advantaged Retirement

  • Creative solutions that protect your investments from the threat of taxation.

College Planning

  • We help clients create a plan to reduce the total out of pocket for cost for College.

Estate Planning

  • Various trusts and ownership designs to enhance asset protection as well as ensuring one’s family wishes are fulfilled long after their passing.

Retirement Plans

  • We work with clients to make informed decisions about their rollover options helping them to avoid overlap of asset classes as well as substantial gaps in a prudently diversified overall allocation.

Have A Question?

Contact Pamela Larson
Phone: 1.760.302.6033
Cell 1.949.395.9989
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